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Short CV Matthias Kerker:



Consultant, healthFORUM, Winterthur, Switzerland


Project planning and evaluation in various countries (Eastern Europe, Balcans); individual health coaching

2003- 2006

Construction work (sabbatical)

Renovation (ecological standard) of my house at coast of Lake Geneva

2000- 2002

Consultant, Health Management Consulting HMC


Consultancies for SDC, COHRED, WHO

1999- 2000

Senior Health Advisor, Council of Health Research for Development COHRED, Geneva

Latin American Health Research Network, int. Conference, Bangkok

1992- 1999

Senior Health Officer, Scientific and conceptual advisor at HQ of Swiss Development Cooperation SDC / Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Project support, funding of national/international health agencies and networks, development of SDC's health policy


PHD, Theses at Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPMZ, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Issue: Measurement of HIV-Seroprevalence in the Swiss Population (Unlinked Anonymous Screening UAS)

1989- 1992

Senior researcher, Institute of Social an Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich


AIDS-Department, Surveillance of Swiss HIV-Epidemiology


MPH Master of Public Health, HSPH, Harvard University, Boston USA

Concentration: International Health / Health Policy and Management


Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Swiss Tropical Institute STI, Basel


Malaria Control

1986- 1987

Research fellow at Geneva University Hospital, TB-Unit

Assessment of efficacy of DOTS-treatment in jail environments (ICRC-experience Lima, Peru), epidemiology of MOTT-disease in Switzerland

1984- 1988

Medical delegate, International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC


Various short/long missions in Latin America, Africa and Middle East (prisoners health, emergencies, displaced populations, sanitation, TB-control)


Chief of Delegation, Swiss Disaster Relief Corps

National Immunization campaign, Guinea Equatorial

1979- 1983

Physician in General practice, regional hospitals and Swiss Air Rescue REGA


Family Medicine, Anesthetics, Surgery, Emergency Medicine


MD Diploma in Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland



PDF Comprehensive CV as pdf-file 300 KB

More information can be requested by mail: m.kerker@healthforum.ch
